I don’t get why people insist that their pets require meat. Go talk tuha a vet and get a vegan diet for your cat/dog/bird, people are so fuckin weird about some stuff.
Mastadon - @Devorlon@social.linux.pizza
I don’t get why people insist that their pets require meat. Go talk tuha a vet and get a vegan diet for your cat/dog/bird, people are so fuckin weird about some stuff.
Ripped from dukduckgo who inturn took it from ‘The American Heritage® Dictionary’
Obligate (Adjective): Able to exist or survive only in a particular environment or by assuming a particular role.
So an obligate carnivore is a being that can only survive in an environment where they are provided meat. The definition of obligate doesn’t state the the environment has to be naturally occurring, and I think that’s a semantic that isn’t discussed.
A great white is a obligate carnivore in naturally occurring environments same as a cat/hawk/lizard etc. But when humans take anything out of its naturally occurring environment (cause we’re smart cookies) we can keep it alive and healthy by giving it all the nutrients it needs, and said nutrients be derived from vegan sources.
I think that’s what they’re refering to as “no such thing” as an obligate carnivore. We can create non-natural environments where a carnivore no longer needs to be one.