Right, as I said above, in a natural environment (wild) they would need their natural adapted carnivorous diet.
Right, as I said above, in a natural environment (wild) they would need their natural adapted carnivorous diet.
When you said “there’s no such thing…” I assumed you have focused on IRL and replied the same. As I said anniversary, I’m completely understand if the rules of the cartoon world depicted
Edit oh different person
Maybe that can be said for pets, but certainly not wild animals as they couldn’t access the lab mixed nutrients they need. As such, Great whites are, they are not adapted to plant diets at all
I just saw the comm this was in so I’m not gonna share my opinions on obligate carnivores here, but that makes sense if you’re trying to have a deer and a shark be friends or something
Wouldn’t it be predator/prey?
If he swam, he’d likely be eaten
I don’t think folks buy that stuff to look special or unique, but instead to look “qualified”. By that I mean they want to look associated or qualified with a certain lifestyle or status. By owning the token accessories/style, they are communicating where they want to be and what they are a part of.
It’s like by wearing your fur tail buttplug, and striped knee-high socks to the grocery store, people know you use Linux (arch btw)
Well since we’re sharing opinions, I think wild animals should live as they are evolved with the idealized minimum of human influence on their lives.