This is a translation of

A few weeks ago the instance broke. It’s hard to say what was the reason, but built-in pict-rs returned some images in a broken state which Lemmy-UI really doesn’t like and just crashes. Also for some reason the backend wasn’t pulling updates, probably due to pict-rs as well. I was too lazy to look into it, especially considering that I can only do so during weekends, and my weekedns were occupied by much more interesting tinkering with ancient ASUS Eee PC 900.

Anywho, yesterday I fixed the issue by updating to Lemmy 0.18.5, compiling and running separately newer pict-rs 0.4.5, and the instance has already begun pulling updates from other instances. I hope this issue won’t come up again, although it’s not that long until compatibility breaking Lemmy 0.19.0 and pict-rs 0.5.0… Time will tell.

In other news, I’ve been thinking of a community dedicated to Glaceon for some time. And yesterday I created it: Glaceon Worship! Glaceon lovers should head there. I’ll try to post something there regularly. Thankfully, I have tons of saved artworks on different platforms.